Peasant Cube Archetypes: Orzhov Attrition

Hello, and welcome to another Archetype Overview!

The Gathering4Magic Peasant Cube is centered around having a theme or archetype for each of the ten two-color combinations (hereafter called guilds, after the guilds of Ravnica).  Because these archetypes are not always typical of archetypes found in other cubes/formats, I wanted to put together a strategy guide of sorts for those who wish to draft the Gathering4Magic Peasant Cube.  I hope these archetype overviews can give you a basic overview of what each guild is trying to do in this cube so you can better understand how each of these archetypes work (and work together) and what to be looking for if one wishes to draft a particular deck.

Every Monday I’m going to be posting another archetype overview on one of guilds, so check back each week to check out the latest Archetype Overview.

Last week we talked about the first Archetype, the Azorius Kitty deck, so this week we’ll take a look at the next guild in line, the Orzhov Archetype, as we work our way around the Tablet of the Guild, so without further ado, let’s get started!


Orzhov Attrition

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