Why Start Gathering4Magic?

Why start Gathering4Magic?
By Derek Brent

Hello, and welcome to the inaugural article here at Gathering4Magic!

When beginning any endeavor, it is always a good idea to go into it knowing why you want to do it, and what you hope to accomplish. Well, I recently decided to start this blog and expand my Gathering4Magic brand to more than simply a Tappedout.net account, and a FB group for organizing game nights. I hope to take the Gathering4Magic name and build a brand that contributes to the MTG community at large (and specifically the casual magic community) by providing content, insight, and tips for enhancing your gaming experience.

an apt card for a new beginning of sorts

an apt card for a new beginning of sorts


So, Why a blog about Casual Gaming?

This whole idea came about while I was taking a 40-day fast from Magic. Continue reading